Senator Brandon Creighton
Senator Lois Kolkhorst
Rep. Burrows, Dustin
District 83
So Texas is now inspecting all boat trailers over 4,500 pounds. The State Of Texas does not keep any records of how many boat trailer violations were caught in 2015 and 2016.
I called 10 inpsection stations that do inspect these the record because they do not want anybody protesting their shops or businesses......especially upset boat owners who had to pay to fix their dangerous trailers....
41% had one safety violation
And Additional 32% had a second safety violation.
And additional 100 defective tires that might have blown out on the highway at full speed were replaced.
Boy instead of thanking us for saving lives the Boat trailer owners and the Boat Companies lobbied a lawmaker and we are going to find out if he got any campaign money from these special interest groups.
If this bill gets passed we are going to feature and post every picture of everybody who voted for this DEATH BILL because they voted for a bill and they did and do not have any data to prove that the law currently enforced was "Burdensom and Over Costly" Here is the Legislator that is going to destroy familys and lives with his House Bill 946
Rep. Guillen, Ryan
District 31
Senator Charles Perry
Rep. Miller, Rick
District 26
Senator Kelly Hancock
Senator José Rodríguez
In 1971 J. Standard Baker Quoted " Drivers Towing Trailers Are Four (4) Times As Unsafe As Those In Cars Alone!
If The Governor Signs The Death Bill House Bill 946 Or Senate Bill 1001 He Should Be Held Responsible For Singing A Death Warrent When A Loose Boat Trailer That Should Have Been Inspected Kills Anybody In Texas.
Senator Robert Nichols
Rep. Swanson, Valoree
District 150
Rep. Paul, Dennis
District 129
3 Years ago we uncovered a law on the books that was never enforced (Sounds Familar) and we petitioned the Federal Highway Administration to whithold Federal Highway Money unless they enforced the law. Well under pressure they did! A nobody like us convinced the state of TEXAS to enforce the law...even before President Trump they lisened.
Senator Bob Hall
Senator Sylvia R. Garcia
Rep. Straus, Joe
District 121
These Are Are The Co Sponsors Of The Death Bill And We Are Calling Them Out